
ABC Symposium ‘Neuro-AI: Bridging the gap between human and machine intelligence’ on June 27th 2024

This symposium is organised by Iris Groen (FNWI, Institute for Informatics) and H. Steven Scholte (FMG, Brain & Cognition) in collaboration with the research master programme Brain and Cognitive Sciences. It’s made possible through the support of: 

  • A.D. de Groot Center 
  • ELLIS Amsterdam 
  • Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies  (University of Amsterdam)

The ABC Symposium is a part of the 2024 ABC Summer School which is a 9-day full-time program, for selected students.  The students will be given the opportunity to dive into topics given from the hand of world-renowned experts from the fields of neuroscience, psychology and AI. Lectures are given by local, national and international experts. The programme will be complemented by hands-on workshops and tutorials, where students will learn to apply some of the contents covered in the lectures aided by experienced tutors. The ABC Symposium is a wrap up on ‘Neuro-AI: Bridging the gap between human and machine intelligence’ with distinguished lecturers and the participation of students, lecturers and tutors.